Presentations to Board and Councils

Take a look or download presentations about the Regional Homelessness Authority made by All Home, City of Seattle, King County and other regional bodies.

City of Seattle Select Committee on Homelessness and Housing

Briefings to King County Council

Continuum of Care Coordinating Board (All Home)

6.24.19 Meeting Packet

5.8.19 Meeting Packet | Meeting Summary

4.3.19 Meeting Packet | Meeting Summary

3.6.19 cancelled in lieu of longer work session planned for April

2.6.2019 Meeting Packet | Meeting Summary

1.9.19 Meeting Packet | Meeting Summary

All Home’s Coordinating Board serves as the Continuum of Care for King County. The Coordinating Board has reviewed and discussed Regional Homelessness Governance Redesign. Visit their site for earlier meeting summaries.

Regional Presentations

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